Category Archives: Apartment Living

Apartment Bedroom Style


You can add great style to your apartment bedroom. Keep is simple and fresh. Often the bedroom of an apartment is small. Even though your space is limited, keep you bedroom as clutter free as possible. Use closet space wisely with shelves and buy chests of drawers that are small enough and fit the room size. Love the touch of a full length mirror leaning against the wall. A stylish and useful addition.

apt bedroom

bedroom apartment

Add pieces that express your personality to your apartment bedroom style. A color you love, a unique carpet, books and paintings.

For Real Estate visit: Michaelangelo

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Holiday Hosting: Apartment Tips

Great tips for the holidays in your apartment!!

Package Concierge Blog

The holidays are upon us! It’s a very exciting time of year when families and friends gather to enjoy each others company over good food. At Package Concierge, it is one of our team’s favorite times of the year! If you are living in an apartment like millions of other Americans, and want to host a gathering this holiday season, you might be wondering how to make it happen. Small kitchen, lots of hungry people and few places to sit? No problem! Here’s how you can enjoy Thanksgiving in your apartment with all the people you love: pie

Cooking- You probably don’t have much counter space and your oven likely can’t hold all the fixings you want for the meal, so, ask for help. Make it a pot-luck dinner and have everyone bring a different dish.

Space- Once everyone does arrive, where should you put everything? You can use chairs…

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Small Apartment? Go White!

Elegant-White-Small-Apartment-Living-Room-Designs-IdeasSmall apartment? No problem. Go white! It’s the best idea to make a tiny space look larger. Image above and below via Home Design Lovers



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5 Great Cities for Green Apartment Living

Best cities for green living…NYC?…who knew?


Package Concierge Blog

The progress society has made in terms of eco-friendly technology and building standards mean that more people are seeking ways to live green and have a smaller footprint on the environment. One of the ways you can help the environment is to live in green apartments when seeking a home in a city or urban area. Every city is working in its own way to make the Earth a better place for future generations, but there are a few that stand out above the rest. Although there are green apartment sand for-rent communities throughout the U.S., these 5 cities (in no particular order) have high concentrations of green-built communities, and go the distance in making it easier for you to live green.

Washington, DC:

Washington, DC is where the U.S. Green Building Council (the nonprofit that created and oversees LEED certification) is headquartered. That alone gives this city an edge…

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